












Got air conditioning troubles? Do a quick system check!

  • Tuesday, 30th January, 2018

When your air conditioner stops working unexpectedly there are a few system checks that you can do that may sort the problem before getting a technician involved. We’ve put together the following troubleshooting guide to help you address some of the most common problems you may encounter with your air conditioner.

Many common problems with air conditioning systems can be caused by inadequate maintenance. To help avoid any issues occurring in the future, we do recommend setting up an annual maintenance service by one of our fully qualified technicians.

Has your unit stopped working all together?

If your system has completely stopped working, first check outside to determine if the condenser is running. Storms and strong winds can cause rubbish or vegetation to move in front of the condenser unit, stopping airflow to the whole system.

Make sure the isolator switch is turned on and your thermostat is set properly. We recommend setting the temperature to 24⁰C during the summer months, and 20⁰C in the winter months.

Then check your circuit breakers and fuses to ensure they are in place, turned on and functioning properly.

Is your unit not cooling the air?

If your air conditioner is turning on, and the thermostat is set correctly, but your system is not cooling the issue may be a dirty or blocked condenser. Make sure the outside of the condenser is clear of any debris that could be blocking the circulation of air.

Next, ensure the filters are clean. Follow our 7 easy steps on how to clean your filter!

Sometimes there is a severe fault within the system that will need to be fixed by a qualified technician. If you have tried these troubleshooting suggestions above to no result, please don’t hesitate to contact us to book in for a service or repair on 07 3395 6733.

To find some more handy quick fix tips click here.