












Supporting Operation Drought Relief

  • Wednesday, 22nd August, 2018

At Quality Air we are committed to helping the community as much as possible in times of need. Recently we have made donations to the Rapid Relief Team for their Operation Drought Relief.

This initiative is to assist the drought stricken farmers across New South Wales. The funds raised through the RRT will be used as follows:

Hay for Livestock

  • 23 road trains of hay from Western Australia were delivered to Condobolin
  • Another 4 semi-trailers of hay from Tasmania
  • Approximately 1268 tonnes totalling 2450 bales
    • Which feeds over 1,000 cows or 20,000 sheep for 23 weeks
  • Valued at $685,200
  • The convoy or hay will be donated by RRT to over 200 drought stricken farmers in 5 different locales

Food for Farmers Families

  • RRT has joined with IGA and Foodworks
  • Committed to $260,000 of food coupons
  • Will supply food vouchers valued at $100 per family / per week for 200 families for the next 13 weeks

Camden Dairy Farmer Operation

  • RRT has committed to donating a number of loads of hay to dairy farmers
  • A B-double load was delivered to the value of $20,000 to the farmers in the Picton and Camden areas
  • A Community Fundraiser BBQ was held in Camden, raising $2,250
  • RRT has committed to a further 136T of hay to the area, a total of 300 bales valued at $50,500

Ongoing Support

  • RRT has committed to another 100-150T of hay per week for the next 4-5 weeks for drought stricken farmers in New South Wales.


To help support this initiative by donating, please click on the link below to visit the Rapid Relief Team website.